Master of Science in Exercise Science

The Master of Science in Exercise Science prepares students with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to become American College of Sports Medicine-certified fitness directors — supervisory status.

Students are required to complete a 6 credit-hour research and statistics core in conjunction with a strong core of classes in exercise science. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in interdisciplinary classes in animal science, biological sciences, education and even engineering to supplement their overall learning experience.

Graduate students are provided the opportunity to connect classroom learning with actual research or "service learning" through courses such as independent research, dissertation research, laboratory practicums and internships. The last includes Fitness for Fun, fitness clubs and the Bolivia Internship Program. Typically, EXSC graduate students also take computer and grant-writing classes to supplement their learning experience.

More information is available at the following two links:

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the M.S. degree must complete 30 hours of graduate work. In addition, non-thesis degree candidates must successfully complete a written comprehensive examination.