
Paul C. Calleja
Paul C. Calleja
Associate Dean for Administration
Teaching Professor of Physical Education
Robert Elbin
Robert Elbin
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Assoc Professor
Director, Office for Sport Concussion Research
Kaitlin M. Gallagher
Kaitlin M. Gallagher
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Associate Professor
Matthew S. Ganio
Matthew S. Ganio
(BCSS)-Boyer Center For Student Services
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Professor of Exercise Science
Michelle Gray
Michelle Gray
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Head, Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Professor of Exercise Science
Nicholas P. Greene
Nicholas P. Greene
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Professor and Director of the Exercise Science Research Center
Interim Director, Exercise Science Research Center
Erin Kaye Howie Hickey
Erin Kaye Howie Hickey
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Associate Professor
Sharon Lee Hunt
Sharon Lee Hunt
(HMRS)-Human Resources
Professor of Kinesiology
Faculty Athletics Representative
Jack C. Kern
Jack C. Kern
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Teaching Professor of Physical Education
Cathy D. Lirgg
Cathy D. Lirgg
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Susan W. Mayes
Susan W. Mayes
(HMRS)-Human Resources
Instructor of Kinesiology & Undergraduate Coordinator
Brendon P. McDermott
Brendon P. McDermott
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Core Faculty Member
Associate Professor
HPER 401
Josh McGee
Josh McGee
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Teaching Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Angela Smith-Nix
Angela Smith-Nix
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Teaching Assistant Professor of Physical Education
Amanda Lynn Sullivan
Amanda Lynn Sullivan
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Teaching Associate Professor of Exercise Science
Assistant Department Head and Graduate Coordinator
Tyrone A. Washington
Tyrone A. Washington
(HHPR)-Health, Human Performance, & Recreation
Assoc Professor