Course Rotation Schedule

Undergraduate and graduate courses are typically offered on a rotation schedule. Most undergraduate courses are offered either once or twice per year while graduate courses are offered yearly or every other year.

Online Undergraduate Course Catalog

Graduate Course Catalog

 HHPR Undergraduate Course Rotation Schedule

Physical Education

Course Number Course Name Term(s) Offered
PHED 1003 The Physical Education Profession: An Overview SP, FA
PHED 2023 Sport Skills SP, FA
PHED 3003 Outdoor Education SP, FA
PHED 3033 Educational Rhythm and Gymnastics SP, FA
PHED 3043 Teaching Fitness SP, FA
PHED 3203 Principles and Problems of Coaching SP, FA
PHED 3373 Elementary Physical Education SP, SU, FA
PHED 3703 Assessment in Physical Education SP, FA
PHED 3743 Secondary Physical Education SP, FA
PHED 3903 Physical Education for Special Populations SP, FA
PHED 4001 Coaching Practicum SP, FA
PHED 4023 Classroom Management SP, FA
PHED 407V Physical Education Teaching Internship SP, FA
PHED 4321 Teaching Practicum SP, FA
PHED 4773 Senior Seminar SP, FA
PHED 480V Workshop: Study Abroad - Ireland SU


HHPR Undergraduate Course Rotation Schedule


Course Number Course Name Term(s) Offered
KINS 2223 Motor Development FA, SP, SU
EXSC 2733 Seminar in Exercise Science FA, SP
EXSC 3153 Exercise Physiology FA, SP, SU
EXSC 3153H Honors Exercise Physiology FA, SP, SU
KINS 3163 Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application FA, SP
KINS 3163H Honors Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application FA, SP
EXSC 3353 Mechanics of Human Movement FA, SP, SU
EXSC 3353H Honors Mechanics of Human Movement FA, SP, SU
KINS 3373 Sport Sociology FA, SP, SU
KINS 3413 Administration in Physical Education FA, SP
EXSC 3533 Laboratory Techniques FA, SP
EXSC 3533H Honors Laboratory Techniques FA, SP
KINS 405V Independent Study (1-3) FA, SP, SU
KINS 405VH Honors Independent Study (1-3) FA, SP, SU
EXSC 4323 Exercise Prescription SP
EXSC 4773 Performance and Drugs FA, SP
EXSC 4833 Exercise Applications for Special Populations FA
EXSC 4833H Honors Exercise Applications for Special Populations FA
KINS 4901H Kinesiology Honors Thesis Tutorial FA, SP, SU
EXSC 4903 Internship in Exercise Science FA, SP
KINS 498VH Kinesiology Honors Thesis FA, SP, SU


HHPR Graduate Course Descriptions and Rotation: